Open to advise (2022 edition)

Last year I offered to advise anyone who asked. It was pretty awesome so I’m at it again.

2 min readJan 8, 2022
Photo by Dan Burton on Unsplash

I have returned for what might well be an annual installment of “Time with Joanie,” where I offer to talk to anyone about anything career-related in the product design field. It started last year, when I posted this call on Medium:

Over the course of 2021, I’ve met with about a dozen designers and user researchers over Zoom to discuss their careers. I spoke with people about:

  • fitting in and finding support on their team
  • transitioning in and out of people management
  • positioning themselves when looking for a new job
  • figuring out what’s next

I’m grateful for these conversations, which allowed me to, in turn, try to be a better leader on my own team.

When I posted “Open to advise,” my intention was to learn by expanding my conversation circle by speaking to people who aren’t on my team. I was abiding by Richard Farnell’s provocation to mentor people who aren’t like you. I believe that even if you consider yourself an anti-racist and ally, we all fall into patterns that promote inequity because inequity is structural. As a leader, I have an obligation to get outside of my usual circle in order to continually learn and grow. This is especially imperative given our inclinations. As Farnell writes:

Leaders tend to coach and mentor their “own,” and here’s the human impulse that drives it: Even those who believe that diversity improves creativity, problem solving, and decision making naturally invest in and advocate for the development of the subordinates who are most like them.

In advising, I want to help people grow, but I also want to grow, too.

So is this mentorship? It can be but doesn’t have to be.

Finally, while I am hiring, please do not use this offer to advise as an opportunity to ask for a job. I am very intentional about how we grow the team, and truthfully I leave most hiring decisions up to the team. If you’re interested in joining my team, please apply. That said, I hope my perspective can help you land the right job.

Find me on LinkedIn if you want to connect.




A motley assortment of writings by Joanie McCollom: Head of Design at Color, feminist, emotional support companion to an elderly dog & creator of Period app